# of watchers: 65
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Artistic: | 70 |
Funny-rating: | 60 |
Friendly: | 70 |
2005-04-09 [Whim]: I'll probably do movie reviews since I'm such a movie expert. Plus I watch no less than 3 new DVDs a week...hehe.
2005-04-09 [Tear]: That is fine, right now i only don't have anyone that is doing movies full time. you can hold up that section if you want. Just make sure you make an ad in the wannabee pages, and then i can ask The Dark Lord or Kate about it
2005-04-09 [Nevermore.]: ok, will sum1 plz tell me what to do?! that wasent fair, it takes a wile to write one of those..p[ropally, and when you do, and are about to put it up u get fired!
2005-04-09 [Whim]: First off, valentine, take a moment to calm down. This is not a huge problem for you. The fact is, the EPI is currently missing a submission for your section. You have a completed submission, right? Well, work off that. No matter what anyone says, negotiations are never out of the question...heh
2005-04-10 [Solitiaum]: Ok. 1. Everyone was sent warning messages a month ago, maybe two about updating their sections. 2. [Whim]. Youre upset over the whole recent guard Dwemer fiasco, and thats fine. Dont come in here encouraging people to go over my head when you dont even know wth is going on. Thats not going to make me want to hire you, either. -.- 3. Bloody, sweety. Did you not get the warning I sent several times over the forum and the angry rant that Dark put up in place on the forum and the warning message? I tried playing nice, I gave opportunities for you to tell me if real life had reared its ugly head. You never once came to me and told me you needed extra time.
2005-04-10 [Solitiaum]: 4. [The Dark Lord] had the opportunity to tell me, "You know what? No... I dont want you to be firing anyone." When I told him I had sent out the warning messages. He supported my decision, and other than reapplying and hoping we end up needing someone else, you're kinda screwed by your own choices. 5.Just so that we are ABSOLUTELY clear on this topic... REAL LIFE ALWAYS TAKES PRECEDENCE OVER EP STUFF!! All we ask is that you give us some sort of heads up so that we can get someone to cover for you.
2005-04-10 [Solitiaum]: Oh, and just so we can clear up this whole deadline thing. When we missed March's release, I set in place several deadlines. They are as follows. Last day of the month prior to the month of release: have your content coded in a notepad or word document, ready to put up on your wiki. Send a copy of your content to [apocalypse7] to be placed on the website that is off Elfpack. First day of the month of release: Off EP Website goes up. Wiki pages get updated. Third day of the month of release: News goes up on Mainstreet that the new release is out, with a link to this month's issue's off EP Website. Capiche?
2005-04-10 [Solitiaum]: I am the human resources manager. This means that I say who is hired and fired. Im liking this idea of paying our employees, [Whim]. And frankly, if [The Dark Lord] goes for it too, Id say that you could be hired on to deal with that. [Tear] really needs reviews help, hes making into a MUCH bigger section than Id ever imagined, and I admire his spirit and drive on the matter. Bloody, I see that Dark has said something different from what I said about you reapplying. I can say this. You couldnt be boss anymore, should you get your job back. [Whim] please check your messages, my next order of business is to sit down and have a little chat with you. And in accordance with my own
2005-04-10 [Solitiaum]: rules, Im warning everyone here that I am very sick. Dela knows what exactly I am talking about. Dela and Sumi are in charge should I go MIA while Dark is still away. Dark -- Are you back, then?? o_O;;
2005-04-10 [Ellyn]: Yeah. I'm here for Sair- I have her back all of the way, and will do my best to answer and assist with any questions and/or problems one may have. I'm here most of the time, so you will most likely get an immediate response.
2005-04-10 [iCh3wi]: Hmmm, well, I guess I will ask the first question. As you know, I am the editor for the Quotes section. I was very pleased to be hired for the EP and I enjoy being around the staff here and the atmosphere *thumbs up*(<sounds corny but just listen). But after working here for a while, I have come to the conclusion that my section is not what you would call the most read section. So this is what I am wanting to know: Is there anyone who can hep me come up with ideas to expand my section? I'm not sure how to go about this, but I would really enjoy a larger section for me to work on.
2005-04-10 [iCh3wi]: I've even had people say they would like to work with me on my section, but I can't hire them since it isnt very large. I have thought about making my section still include the monthly quotes, but maybe something else like a current event section, or history section where people can read about important things that happened in the past for that month. Does this sound like a good idea, or better yet, would this be allowed? I'm willing to work harder and spend more time on the EP if that is of any concern. I know I probably didn't help things much when I was sick on deadline day, but I will try harder to be more organized and to prepare for deadlines. If [Solitiaum] and [The Dark Lord]
2005-04-10 [iCh3wi]: , or anybody else of that matter with authority could consider my proposal, I would greatly appreciate it. I eagerly await everyones reply, thanks again for everything!!!! =^_^= -Richard
2005-04-10 [Whim]: You could just get find a website with lots of traditional quotes, have a section with movie/tv quotes, and maybe even a section with member quotes that are just randomly found throughout Elfpack. In a month's time, you can find some pretty funny and interesting quotes come out of the members' conversations.
2005-04-10 [Ellyn]: Just a suggestion, but maybe you could theme your section each month, and you could find quotes relating to your theme and give background info about the theme, and how the qoute relates to the theme- that kind of thing. Like I said, just a suggestion.
2005-04-10 [iCh3wi]: Hmmmmm, Yes, both ideas sound great, and I think maybe I could find a solution. Is it too late to change my section, or should I wait a while?
2005-04-10 [Ellyn]: MMmmm. Truth be told, I don't know the exact next deadline. I'd wait until the next issue, though, if I were you.
2005-04-10 [iCh3wi]: Ok, but I can still go ahead and build it on word and then upload it later. One more question: Can I hire my own asistant editor for my section? And if so, will they receive a Harbringer badge?
2005-04-10 [Ellyn]: Yeah, go ahead and create the section. And no, I dunno if you have the authority to hire. I think that only [The Dark Lord] and [Solitiaum] have that authority. I suggest looking through the applications and see if there is anyone who looks worth hiring, and then talk to either Dark or Sairah about the person in question. And about the badge- I think that we decided we are waiting for a whole issue to let newbies have the badge.
2005-04-10 [Tear]: Umm, [iCh3wi] How about a little trivia thing. Like what quote is this movie from, or something like that. I was told that a person has to be with the EPI for at least one issue before they recieve their badge. And Whim, I did ask about you. I got two messages back saying yes to something, but I don't know what it was for.
2005-04-10 [Tear]: Nevermind, [Whim], you are now officially apart of my crew. [The Dark Lord] was refering to that.
2005-04-10 [Solitiaum]: How that works, Crowe, is that you look through the apps and find someone you want to hire. Then run the name by either me or [The Dark Lord] for approval, and if they havent been a beligerant ass or something, theres usually no reason not to put them on. And yes, because of the problems we've had with people making updates, new workers have to show work for at least one release before getting their new shiney badge.
2005-04-10 [Nevermore.]: ok, well, my apologyes, but i dont use fourms, i told you that, i cant understand them, and my life for the past moth has been confusing and shitty, ,resulting in tears, i havent been myself and i have come to loath the person i have become..again im sorry, ,what should i do with the suition wiki then? just leave it?
2005-04-10 [Solitiaum]: We still need April's type, hun, if you have it... *smiles softly* And since real life did interfere here, I dont see why [The Dark Lord] wouldnt let you back on as a sub worker instead of a boss. Just PLEASE remember to tell us if something is going on, ok?
2005-04-10 [iCh3wi]: Kate, would it be ok if I go ahead and change my section, I'm almost done with my construction.
2005-04-11 [Solitiaum]: For May? Or April...
2005-04-11 [iCh3wi]: Well, thats what I'm wanting to know. I've already have everything finished for my new articles, should I wait until May? Or go ahead and update?
2005-04-11 [Tear]: Bloody Valentine, personal issues like whatever has been happening should be taken into consideration first. I, personally, just got thrown out of my house and was released from a mental hospital not even two weeks ago. I am still doing my work, though. Multitask.
2005-04-11 [Solitiaum]: Da-yum, Tears!! o_O
2005-04-11 [Tear]: That is just scratching the surface, hun. I would rather not tell the rest here. I might stick it in my diary, but most likely not, as I have to many people that know me in person that would really flip out if I said anything. Honestly, if you are having emotional problems that you cannot handle yourself, then I suggest taking a break from the EPI. Unless you are doing this to help yourself get over what is happening in life, then by all means, work your hardest.
2005-04-11 [iCh3wi]: I too have a similar story like Tears. In February I too was having severe emotional problems and even tried suicide as an alternative, but I was able to pull together and work here on the EP at the same time. Ket, I'm going to go ahead and change my section. That way I can work on it while at school and at home. Is that kool?
2005-04-11 [Nevermore.]: ok i got it up
2005-04-12 [iCh3wi]: YAY! *hugs*
2005-04-12 [Tear]: Umm, Crowe, unless you are serious about this, then don't send a message like this in the comment box. Send me a message, and i will lend a helping hand. Either that or send an IM to magefire13666
2005-04-12 [iCh3wi]: Tears, you are right. I was acting irrantional about something and I needed help. Luckily I found a solution. But, the magefire13666 isnt a real person here on elfpack though.
2005-04-12 [Tear]: I meant send an IM to magefire13666 vie AIM, or send me a message in my inbox.
2005-04-12 [Solitiaum]: o.o All my issues go into my dairy on friends only posts. And I throw myself into my work to forget/get over those issues.
2005-04-12 [Tear]: That would still be a problem with me,as I would rather not have more people know then necesarry.
2005-04-12 [DenDen]: this is nice :) it's sad that ive just come upon it o_o
2005-04-15 [iCh3wi]: Same here, I want people to know what is happening with me. I think I have some unknown disorder because the least little things really make me upset. Is there such a disorder?? Oh, by the way Kate, I changes Quotes (before the Epo was down), doesit look good so far?
2005-04-15 [iCh3wi]: Only 1, 2, & 8 are up right now, but the others will be very soon. Im sick again right now, but hopefully I can finish the other sections this weekend.
2005-04-15 [Solitiaum]: Orestez's banner needs to go up at the top of the page.
2005-04-15 [iCh3wi]: Hey KAte when will the next deadline be??
2005-04-15 [Solitiaum]: Content finished by the last of this month. Content given to apocalypse by the first. He has it up by the third, we have ours up by the fifth.
2005-04-15 [iCh3wi]: So, do we need to send a copy of our rough drafts to Apocalypse?? For ex: The writing in the box on the Edit page?? Im confused about that.
2005-04-15 [Tear]: Oh yeah, Kate, have you talked to Apocalypse 7 about this yet? I haven't heard anything about the website from him yet. And this is all going on a seperate web page right?
2005-04-15 [Solitiaum]: Ok. Say I wa in charge of the reviews. Id code the reviews for the wiki, yes, but I would send him the copy that was in my MS Word when I wrote it. No coding, just the content. And this is going to be his month to get crap together. If he doesnt get this up this month, he and i will have a talk about rearranging his badge box. I have given him more time because it takes longer to code a website than a wiki, but hes been on almost since the get go...
2005-04-15 [iCh3wi]: So, I exclude the things like center and <*i*>???
2005-04-15 [Tear]: Yeah, at least you do when you send him your stuff. He can put all that in code and whatnot. I will bitch at him next time I see him, or if he signs into aim anytime soon.
2005-04-15 [iCh3wi]: Ok, and its due to him by the 1 of may. ok thanks for everyones help!
2005-04-15 [Tear]: That much I know. I was supposed to be helping him make the new site, as we both take the same multimedia class together. Then, he kind of went MIA on the site, so i kind of dropped the issue. He is on his own.
2005-04-18 [iCh3wi]: Ok, I just finished the Book Quotes section, but I still need a quote from a member of Elfpack, anyone wish to donate??
2005-04-18 [Tear]: Baseball wrong, man with 4 balls can NOT walk. Or, It is not better to have loved and lost then to have never loved at all, for if it were true love, then all would be lost.
2005-04-18 [iCh3wi]: Hahahahaha!!! : ) I'll use it thanks Tear.
2005-04-18 [Tear]: Which one? the first or the second one?
2005-04-19 [iCh3wi]: The first one.
2005-04-20 [~*spawn*~]: Can someone check out my first idea for a submission, and tell me whether it's the kind of thing that would be okay or not? (it's a little weird, that's why I'm asking). Spawn3
2005-04-20 [Solitiaum]: *saunters back in with lots of envelopes* Guess what I have!!
2005-04-20 [De'ladrei]: *looks up from her sick bed* whats that Sairah?
2005-04-20 [Solitiaum]: SALARIES!!
2005-04-20 [De'ladrei]: ooooh! *sits up but then flops back down* ow :( but whooh salaries :)
2005-04-20 [Solitiaum]: [Whim] has generously donated 100 togs per month for the EP Indie's use... 81 of this will go towards salaries! Woohoo!
2005-04-20 [De'ladrei]: *waves the flags* yay!
2005-04-20 [Solitiaum]: Salaries will be as follows: Editor -- 15 togs; Assistant Editor -- 10 togs; Assistant assistant editors -- 5 togs; Section bosses -- 3 togs; Workers -- 2 togs
2005-04-20 [De'ladrei]: what if you are two of the above? :p hehe
2005-04-20 [Solitiaum]: You get the higher salary of the two... But in order to get payed you MUST have a relation with [EPI Newsroom]!!
2005-04-20 [De'ladrei]: lol it was worth a try :).
2005-04-20 [Solitiaum]: Hehe...
2005-04-21 [Tear]: Sweet, but, ummm, how about for this month, you only pay the people that have badgers. Right now, I have too many people for you to pay like that, I need to see who is going to stay or who I am going to get rid of. I only really have 3 excellent reviewers, now that [Dwemer] is on my crew, and 3 understudies.
2005-04-21 [Solitiaum]: Anyone who is currently on the Harbringer list is getting paid. The effort deserves pay, even if they are on probation for a badge. Just like a real-life job. ^_^
2005-04-21 [Tear]: Oh, in that case, but that is like 15 togs just for my section.
2005-04-21 [Solitiaum]: Your point being? Its a big section.
2005-04-21 [Tear]: I just don't want to seem like I am hoarding all the togs for my section.
2005-04-21 [Dwemer]: Heya crew, how much Game reviews am I supposed to make for 1 month??? PS. [Tear] Skip my togs for 1 month, so the rest gets more ^^
2005-04-21 [Tear]: Dwemer, everyone gets the same amount, depending on their job. You can still get your pay.
2005-04-22 [Solitiaum]: Theres enough extra to cover everyone.
2005-04-22 [Tear]: Kate, can you get someone banned? I don't want to bother you with this, but there is some asshole who keeps sending me and my friends and other peopl racist remarks, and I reported him, and sent [The Dark Lord] a message, but I haven't gotten a response to either. His username is [kukluxklan]. Which is kinda funny because he spelled it wrong, *Ku Kux Klan
2005-04-22 [Tear]: Oh yeah, and [Dwemer], you need to send a minimum of 1 review per month, but I encourage my reviewers to write more.
2005-04-22 [Solitiaum]: If you reported him, you might never get a response... The guards are more like mercenaries... they just... handle things... But I suppose if youre really worried about it, you could go to Sunrose...
2005-04-22 [Tear]: [The Dark Lord] is dealing with him, or at least I notified him, and he confirmed it and said the guards would deal with him.
2005-04-22 [Solitiaum]: *nods*
2005-04-22 [Tear]: Honestly, how can pople support racism? It's unethical.
2005-04-22 [Solitiaum]: *nods*
2005-04-22 [Dwemer]: [Tear] 1 review??? You can get more than 8 from me, and well send me the 1 tog than ^^ ps. Racism is forbidden on Elfpack, isn't it?
2005-04-22 [Whim]: Racism isn't forbidden. You're just not aloud to go out of your way to purposely and blatently offend people.
2005-04-22 [Tear]: *corrects [Whim]**allowed. But seriously, that pissed me off. And there is no way you can forbid racism, but you can forbid the practice of it.
2005-04-22 [Dwemer]: *agrees* I mean, we're not a good example if we don't stand behind the thought to forbid it...
2005-04-22 [iCh3wi]: I agree with you also Tear and Dwemer (in case we havent met yet Dwemer, my name is Richard, Hi =^_^=) I too have received racist marks because of being Jewish. Racisim is very wrong and I hate how some people think it makes them look cool.
2005-04-23 [Dwemer]: Hi richard, my name is Joost ^^ and you're 100% right!
2005-04-23 [iCh3wi]: Lol, thanx. Its 2:12 a.m. here and hardly anyone is online.
2005-04-26 [jamieb]: hi i wanna title
2005-04-26 [iCh3wi]: Talk to [Solitiaum] about that or read the EP Independent wannabe's and leave a resume.
2005-04-26 [~*spawn*~]: would anyone mind me changing "creative writting" to "creative writing"?
2005-04-26 [Solitiaum]: I need to track down the owner of the page and have him/her change the page title, because right now if all you changed was the link, it would go to a blank wiki.
2005-04-26 [Tear]: Methinks that jamieb just screwed any shot at getting one though. Why does everyone forget that [The Dark Lord] can also approve people?
2005-04-27 [Solitiaum]: He can, but he defers to me in most cases, as I am human relations, meaning I handle hirings and firings...
2005-04-27 [Tear]: I gotcha. *Smartypants Kate* Check out what I am doing with my wiki in the reviews section. That way you know where I am headed at.
2005-04-27 [NeMo :D]: ello
2005-04-27 [Tear]: I told you to make your own wiki. Call it Dwemers Reviews and you will submit them there, and that is where I will edit, and look for conent, and all that good stuff. Just click on that link, make the page, and send me a message when you have one up. I will tell you when I am ready to post it up, and then you can put another, once I have a copy of it.
2005-04-28 [~*spawn*~]: EP Independent- Creative Writing is the same as EP Independent- Creative writting (well, it is now...)
2005-04-28 [Solitiaum]: Good good ^_^
2005-05-02 [iCh3wi]: Kate, whats do today (the 1st)?
2005-05-02 [iCh3wi]: The deadline is tomorrow, May 3rd, right?
2005-05-02 [iCh3wi]: Ok, the Quotes section is now fully completed and ready to be released *Yay*
2005-05-02 [Tear]: I don't have anything else to put up, my stuff had been put up already. I have no more stuff from my people to put up.
2005-05-03 [Dwemer]: I've made 2 reviews, but i', going to make more next month, I entered EPI to late to make more. I hope this is OK
2005-05-03 [Tear]: You are fine with the deadline, [Dwemer], you and [The Axe Effect] are the only ones who have sent me more then 1 review. I have one book review from someone else, and I haven't gotten anything that I know of from [Love like Winter.]. People are going to get a reality check when they get fired. I only ask for one review per month, and it seems a bit hard to get that from some people.
2005-05-03 [Dwemer]: I'm so glad for that [Tear] Thanks a lot ^_^ , btw, when is the EPI E-Zine official released?
2005-05-03 [Nevermore.]: ok, when does the ep independant need 2 be updated again? just so i know
2005-05-03 [iCh3wi]: Um, [Tear] Does this info about reveiws concern just Dwemers section or all sections? And if so, what is it and what do I need to do?
2005-05-04 [Solitiaum]: Ep Independent release is the THRID of every month.
2005-05-04 [iCh3wi]: Ok, thnx. But what about my question above, any idea?
2005-05-04 [Tear]: Silenced Crowe, I didn't know you were working for me. It cocerns all reviews. Dwemer doesn't have a section no one does, it is just what I am sent that I post up. It concerns anyone who is working for me.
2005-05-04 [iCh3wi]: Ok, I was confused, never mind then.
2005-05-04 [Solitiaum]: Im taking a 2 week leave of absence. Dela is in charge of making sure things get hit my deadline, she speaks with my voice.
2005-05-04 [Tear]: OoOoOoO, the other Boss-Ladeh cometh! Have a nice trip?
2005-05-04 [iCh3wi]: Yes Yes, send me a postcard Kate, have fun!
2005-05-05 [Solitiaum]: o.o Im not GOING anywhere... Im just... moving out of boxes... finally... and plowing through a shitload (she said shit! :O) of comissions...
2005-05-05 [Tear]: Oh oh oh, in that case, ummm, don't work yourself too hard.
2005-05-05 [iCh3wi]: If you need any Advil, go to www.walmart.co
2005-05-13 [Elisa]: Yup! He sure did!! :D
2005-05-13 [Ellyn]: I agree- highly at that. Ain't he wonderful?
2005-05-13 [Elisa]: yup! ^_^ at least at artwork, which is about all I know about him!
2005-05-13 [Ellyn]: Haha, That he is, but he's a wonderful person too!
2005-05-13 [Elisa]: didn't know. :) but it's good that he's a wonderful person! ;)
2005-05-13 [Ellyn]: It is, It is!
2005-05-13 [iCh3wi]: Yep Yep
2005-05-13 [De'ladrei]: *watches* id tell him he is a star but he knows it lol
2005-05-13 [Ellyn]: *huggles Fi too* Group huggle! I love me Fi. She's wondyful too!
2005-05-13 [De'ladrei]: hehe *huggels* thank you sweety
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: You are all sweet ^_^ *and lovely ~_^*
2005-05-13 [De'ladrei]: *hugs Dwemer* especially you hun :P
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: *hugs De'ladrei* you rock ^_^ :P
2005-05-13 [De'ladrei]: hehehe
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: De'ladrei, what's up with Tutorials section ?
2005-05-13 [De'ladrei]: I am not entirely sure my dear. I will find out though
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: Great ^_^
2005-05-13 [De'ladrei]: thats if there was anyone online to ask :S
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: I now what you mean, i guess it's a section, people wanted to create, but forgot, or something like that :S
2005-05-13 [De'ladrei]: *Goes off to have a look*
2005-05-13 [De'ladrei]: its a blank page...maybe it is being worked on i dont know *shrugs* as long as the main sections get done i wont be too fussed. if they dont then people wil understand te comic we are making lol
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: lol ^_^ well the main sections are ok now, aren't they ?
2005-05-13 [De'ladrei]: not all sections have reported back to me yet so im not sure, that and the people i need to work on mine arent about at the moment so i have to wait and monitor all the others. by the way if you are a section boss message me and let me know how things are going, if the boss is away one of the workers have the initiative to do it please.
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: Should I give you a summary of all workers and their work ?
2005-05-13 [De'ladrei]: If you have the time dear, but I am not as of yet in any rush, once we start getting nearer June then I will start to panic
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: But you mean all game reviewing workers, i guess :P ?
2005-05-13 [De'ladrei]: Yes sweety just your section. Not all the workers good god no
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: oh that's ok, i was kinda shocked ^_^
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: One little problem here FI, I don't know which reviewers are in the gaming section, there are so many of them, ???
2005-05-13 [De'ladrei]: oh dear >.< rght we need to do some sorting then *goes over to the review pages*
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: Salutes ^_^ thanks ! I know Axe-effect is a gaming reviewer.
2005-05-13 [De'ladrei]: right ok *gets a list of all the reviewers* we should really have it on the pages who works where, that way people know who to contact
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: We should indeed *nods* any clue who are the gaming reviewers, that way I can place them on that wiki ^_^
2005-05-13 [De'ladrei]: well i am going through the list of reviers and asking them to send me their jobs on the section
2005-05-13 [De'ladrei]: There are only 5 reviewers and Six sections, some of which dont even have anything on them...shouldn
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: Great idea ^_^ as i said axe-effect and tear and me are reviewing (there might be more)
2005-05-13 [De'ladrei]: right ok..hmm so who ever else is meant to be doing somehting else...well are there any objections to me taking down the empty sections just now, and then being put back up when people have time to work on them?
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: on the gaming section *shocked* ?
2005-05-13 [De'ladrei]: no on the main reviews, im not touching any of the "active" sections
2005-05-13 [De'ladrei]: like the gadget one, it is just a blank page
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: Yes it's a good idea, that way we can put EPI back to a full active archive!
2005-05-13 [De'ladrei]: *Nods* i will keep the links in my diary or someplace safe, that way if we want we can go ack to them, but it looks bad to have the empty pages
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: *nods too* By the Way, I can't change the Reviewers section, i mean it's possible, but it's [Tear]'s ground.
2005-05-13 [Nevermore.]: so, when does the next 'sutition' have to be in for?
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: 3th of June 2005.
2005-05-13 [Nevermore.]: ok, np, i will get one done then
2005-05-13 [De'ladrei]: thank you ^_^
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: No no, you're the boss you can, but i can't ^_^ see what i mean ? :)
2005-05-13 [De'ladrei]: lol yes I do know what you mean, but I still wouldnt change anything without first consulting with the section boss.
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: There's truth in that ^_^ you're such a good boss *bows*
2005-05-13 [De'ladrei]: lol no just being considerate. I know I wouldnt like it if somone messed with my sections, even if they were the boss, infact I'd probably go skitso and start demanding things be put back lol
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: ^_^ if you say so ^_^ still think your great as boss
2005-05-13 [De'ladrei]: lol *pats head* thank you sweety
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: btw, i think orestez should be Artist of This month
2005-05-13 [De'ladrei]: he works here hun he cant really be, it would look fixed if he won, as much as i would like to give it to him
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: Yes, you're right *nods* :P
2005-05-13 [De'ladrei]: lol now if we fired him temporarily and then we put him up for it andthen rehired him ^_- there wouldnt be a problem, but i have absolutely no deisre to fire him in anyway what so ever even just for a few days, i think all hell would break loose and to be quite honest i dont know what id do without him alf the time on here.
2005-05-13 [Ellyn]: Ack! That would be bad! >.< In any case, to answer the question about the tutorial thing- it's a project Kate is working on, that she hasn't quite finished yet. She's covering that section. :)
2005-05-13 [De'ladrei]: ah ok i knew she was doing omething but i wasnt quite sure, thank you Sumi
2005-05-13 [iCh3wi]: Where did the Dark Lord go? And Sairah for that matter of fact?
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: Thanks and hello Sumi, I don't think we have met yet :)
2005-05-13 [De'ladrei]: They are both on a leave of absence, so until they return I'm keeping things going.
2005-05-13 [De'ladrei]: (as best as I can lol)
2005-05-13 [iCh3wi]: Your doing good so far I think.
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: Indeed *thumbs up*
2005-05-13 [De'ladrei]: aww thanks :)
2005-05-13 [Ellyn]: No problem, Fi! Anything for my love! XD- And no, Dwemer, we haven't met yet, though I'm glad to meet you. :) And yeah, you're doing a woderful job, Fi! You always do, you perfectionist, you!
2005-05-13 [iCh3wi]: Denada.
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: There's nothing wrong with that, I love them *hugs all perfectionists
2005-05-13 [Ellyn]: Hey, I never said there was anything wrong with perfectionists
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: Perfectionists makes our lives better ^_^
2005-05-13 [De'ladrei]: or worse depending on what mood you catch us in :p
2005-05-13 [iCh3wi]: "Canadians Do It Better: Perfectionism"
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